On August 15, 2024, during the “Nakipelo” show on Belarusian pro-government TV CTV, Mukovozchik, while discussing the Belarusian economy, remarked, “It's growing.”
“In fact, no matter what you talk about. And our inflation rate is low. Since the beginning of the year, it's 3.4%. But if you look at year-over-year, it will be 5.8%. Where can you find such a kind of inflation rate in Europe?” the “SB. Belarus Today” columnist asked the audience.
The WTF team discovered the answer to his question. Belarus does boast an inflation rate unmatched anywhere in Europe — remarkably, it is lower in the EU.
According to Belstat, Belarus's annual inflation rate reached 5.8% in June 2024. Meanwhile, Eurostat's statistics for the same period show that Romania and Belgium had the highest inflation rates in the EU — 5.3% and 5.4%, respectively. The EU's average rate is as low as 2.6%.