Antifake / Factcheck

08 снежня 2023

Endless Rallies in Support of Palestine. Fake News Exposed by Media IQ

The article by the project Media IQ in partnership with the BIC.

Fake appearance date: 28.10.2023
The Belarusian state media have suppressed facts that prevented them from creating the Israel—Palestine conflict image, which was necessary for state propaganda. In particular, the media widely covered rallies in support of Palestine that took place in Paris, Berlin, and US cities.

This is how the Belarusian state TV channel “Belarus 1” interpreted the scale of the actions in support of the Gaza Strip: “The protests have become almost endless,” “the world has come closer to the brink of split than ever before.”

“It's not been possible to fool the minds of countless people around the world,” the Belarus 1 TV channel supported the Arab enclave with these words on October 28.

The Belarusian propaganda media hid the facts about the anti-Hamas performance that took place in the center of Paris. There was a long dining table with photographs of persons captured by Hamas militants on empty chairs, instead of living people.

Besides, rallies in support of Israel, which took place in Berlin, Vienna, Brussels, Washington, New York, and Sydney, were not covered by the Belarusian state media.