Antifake / Factcheck

25 сакавіка 2022

Fake news of the week: Is Ukraine using banned weapons against separatists?

An employee of the "Belarus-1" TV channel accused Ukraine of using banned weapons, which, in her opinion, is the missile system "Tochka U"

An employee of the "Belarus-1" TV channel accused Ukraine of using banned weapons, which, in her opinion, is the missile system "Tochka U".

"Here is one more piece of evidence of war crime and genocide. A video of the Ukrainian military launching a Tochka U rocket into the territory of the Luhansk Republic has been published. One of the nationalists in the background can be heard saying: “Well, separatists, are you ready for more arson?”. The use of such weapons is prohibited by the rules of war and international conventions," Ksenia Lebedzeva said, showing a video of some rocket launching.

Two things are not clear in this story: how an employee of the Belteleradiocompany understood from the video that the missile was flying towards Luhansk. Secondly, since when Tochka U has become a banned weapon?

"Tochka U" is a Soviet tactical missile system. It was in service with the Russian army until 2019. And this supposedly banned weapon was launched in February from the Polesski range during the Belarus-Russia military exercise "Union Resolve 2022".

"Today we are at the Polesski area, where the missile forces carried out practical combat launches with the Tochka missile system as part of their systematic fire operations," said Viktar Khrenin.

Apparently Ksenia Lebedzeva, an employee of the Belteleradiocompany, meant to say that rockets equipped with fragmentation and cluster munitions are banned. And Russia periodically accuses Ukraine of using such bombs, just as Ukraine and even the UN accuses Russia of doing the same. These are, indeed, banned under international humanitarian law.

But Ksenia Lebedzeva didn't say that, and it resulted in a rather ridiculous statement.