Antifake / Factcheck

Belarusian journalistic project against fake news and manipulations of officials and media. You can read about our team, principles and methodology via this link

Fake news of the week: The hit parade of fakes from Lukashenka, translation particularities at the "Belarus-1" and how sanctions will help the Belarusian economy

Antifake / Factcheck

Fake news of the week: The hit parade of fakes from Lukashenka, translation particularities at the "Belarus-1" and how sanctions will help the Belarusian economy

In the last issue of "Sly news" of the outgoing 2021, we decided to collect the most outstanding fakes from Alyaksandar Lukashenka and at the beginning of this "hit parade" is, of course, the lie that no-one beat the demonstrators in the temporary detention centre Okrestina in Minsk in August 2020

31/12 Read Article