Antifake / Factcheck

13 December 2023

Top-5 Fake News. Western Countries Cause 80% of Planet Pollution & USA Population is Dying Out

The whole world applauded Lukashenko at the World Climate Summit; Poland plans to seize Lviv through a referendum; and the President of Germany was not greeted in Dubai.

Fake #1 The whole world applauded Lukashenko after his speech at the World Climate Summit

Pro-government Belarusian media claimed, that Aleksander Lukashenko’s speech at the World Climate Summit in Dubai created a sensation. 

In his speech on December 1, Lukashenko accused the West of financing not climate change, but supporting wars, which are “the main source of dirt on our continent”.

“Those who listened to the Belarusian leader in the conference hall jumped up at the end of his speech. Because it was a good shot. Journalists had not seen such a reaction to politicians' speeches all over the day,” TV channel “Belarus 1” reported on the very day.

This news was covered by the ONT TV channel in a similar way:

“The speech of the Belarusian president was one of the most resonance events. Essentially, the whole world applauded him.”

In fact, cameras captured only four people in the hall, who stood up after Lukashenko’s speech and began to applaud.

One of them was Dmitry Baskov, senator of the Council of the Republic and part-time coach of Lukashenko’s hockey team, and another was Andrei Khudyk, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Belarus. The other two have not been identified.

Fake #2 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from 20 Western countries

At the World Climate Summit in Dubai, Aleksander Lukashenko proposed reducing environmental pollution:

“As the speakers said at the beginning, 80% of the dirt on the planet comes from 20 leading countries. Let's not write down concerns in our declaration, Mr. Chairman, but demand that emissions be reduced by at least half.”

Both Grigory Azarenok and Evgeniy Pustovoy, who are the presenters of the state-run TV channel CTV, commented on this statement on the air of the program “Azarenok. Napryamuyu” on December 1.

“You are killers of nature! You are murderers of people! You are waging wars, the West is filthy, damned! 20 leading world countries! You fight these wars, you kill people, you supply uranium shells,” Azarenok claimed.

The guest of the program expressed himself in a similar hate speech style.

“What a beautiful way the president dealt with the green agenda. The fact is that the Western countries, which are poisoning all of us, 20 of these states, imposed the green agenda to force us to eat worms instead of meat,” Evgeniy Pustovoy said.

In his speech on December 1, Lukashenko spoke about the G20 countries, which produce 80% of environmentally harmful emissions. The G20 includes not only Western countries but also Russia, India, China, South Africa, Indonesia, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.

The leader in terms of greenhouse gas emissions is China, which is friendly to Belarus and Russia.

Fake #3 The President of Germany was not greeted at the ramp at the Dubai Summit

The fact that the UAE government delegation met Aleksander Lukashenko upon arrival at the World Climate Summit was commented on by the top state propagandist Grigory Azarenok on air on the pro-Russian propaganda YouTube channel “Soloviev Live” on December 1.

Then he showed another video with the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier waiting for those greeting him at the door of the plane.

«Here is this video. How the President of Belarus was greeted and how the President of Germany was greeted. Today it is the top on the Internet. There are a huge number of views and comments... It is very revealing… Could you imagine how a high-level summit is organized, everything is calculated down to the minute, down to the second. So, it's a significant message,” Oleg Gaidukevich, the guest of the program, and member of the pro-regime parliament of Belarus, commented on what he whached.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier did not participate in the World Climate Summit in Dubai. Germany was represented there by Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz.

On November 30, the President of Germany was waiting for about half an hour for those greeting him in Doha, Qatar, where he arrived to negotiate the release of German citizens kidnapped and held hostage by Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

Qatar is acting as a mediator in those negotiations. The diplomatic embarrassment arose because Steinmeier's plane was down there earlier than it was planned.

Fake #4 The population of Russia and China is growing, but in the USA it’s falling

Why does Belarus need to develop international relations with China and the Russian Federation, and not with the United States? The reasons were explained by Nikita Rachilovsky, Chairman of the Youth Parliament at the National Assembly of Belarus. The official made his statement on December 4, the very day of Lukashenko’s visit to China, where he held talks with Xi Jinping.

“We really work with superpowers — Russia, China. And we are creating the foundation for future relations with the strongest states and continents. While others are simply fixated on their own, where the population is simply dying out,” he claimed.

In 2022, China's population decreased by 850 thousand people. Its birth rate is one of the lowest in the world. The Russian population lowered by 555 thousand people in 2022. According to the forecast from Rosstat, the state statistics service of the Russian Federation, by 2045, the population decline will be almost 8 million compared to the beginning of 2023.

In 2022, the number of US residents increased by 1.2 million people.

Fake #5 Poland plans to seize Lviv through a referendum

The Telegram channel Nevolfovich published a video with an alleged Polish telephone survey of Lviv and the region residents about voting in a referendum.

“Ukrainians receive telephone surveys from Poland. They are questioned whether they will vote in the referendum on January 5, 2025, which will take place in Lviv and the Lviv region.

Judging by the comments, some Ukrainian “patriots” were even happy about the opportunity to live in Poland.

Is Warsaw testing Ukrainian people for loyalty? It's only the beginning!” this was stated in the propaganda post dated December 7th.

The telephone number shown above belongs to the Polish Center for Public Opinion Research. It is currently unavailable.

The Center's secretariat explained to the Weekly Top Fake team journalist that the number had some technical problems, and the Center also stated that they had not conducted such a survey:

“We definitely have not done that kind of research. We don’t make calls in any way. We don't call anyone. <...> This was done incorrectly, someone was obviously impersonating us.”

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