Antifake / Factcheck

20 May 2022

Fake news of the week: Due to Russia’s decision Finland will soon be left without electricity

Finland is the largest buyer of Russian electricity. And for Finland, Russian electricity accounts for mere 10% of all the electricity consumed in the country. There they consume 86 billion kilowatts per hour in a year

Without imports from Russia Finland faced a loop of 40% of its total electric power. This was reported in the Vesti Program on the Russia TV channel when the shutdown of supply of electricity from Russia to Finland had been announced.  

"Finland assures that there is no threat to the country's electricity market. That the gap of 37% of imports from Russia will be filled with something else. However, the matter of costs remains" - said on the Vesti Program. 

In fact, it is the Russian company Inter RAO, not Finland, that has a 37% export hole. That's how much Finland's share in 2021 was.

This was reported by the RIA Novosti news agency back in February. At that time, Inter RAO reported that last year it sold almost 22 billion kWh of electricity for export, with just over 8 billion kWh exported to Finland. That makes 37%.

Finland is the largest buyer of Russian electricity. And for Finland, Russian electricity accounts for mere 10% of all the electricity consumed in the country. There they consume 86 billion kilowatts per hour in a year.

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