Antifake / Factcheck

21 January 2022

Fake news of the week: There were few people protesting in Belarus and in Kazakhstan , half of Ukrainians consider themselves Russians, and the upcoming Constitution of Belarus is unmatched

Andrey Mukavozchyk, a columnist at the publishing house "Belarus Today", compared the protests in Belarus and in Kazakhstan and derived a formula for the percentage of the protest population in the post-Soviet countries on the STV TV channel

Andrey Mukavozchyk, a columnist at the publishing house "Belarus Today", compared the protests in Belarus and in Kazakhstan and derived a formula for the percentage of the protest population in the post-Soviet countries on the STV TV channel:

"In Belarus, there are about 5 thousand criminal cases related to extremism, terrorism and other "I was walking, am walking and will be walking". Our population is 9.5 million people. And there are almost 19 million in Kazakhstan. Now divide 10 Kazakh thousand by 19, and 5 Belarusian thousand by 9.5. Is it really the same?"

Mukavozchyk summed up that the percentage of protesters in countries is always about the same.

"There is no trick here: just a tiny percentage of people to whom society should give “alga” (from Kazach –  go ahead) is about the same. That is, at least, in the post-Soviet countries," he added.

But he got the formula wrong. About 10 thousand people were detained in Kazakhstan after the protests. The total number of "terrorists", according to the estimates of the Kazakh President, is 20,000.

More than 30 thousand people were detained in Belarus after the demonstrations (this figure was announced in the media back in 2020). It is known that detentions continue to this day.

It should be noted that these were mostly peaceful protesters. About 5 thousand criminal cases related to the events in Belarus after the elections were started.

If we compare numbers, Mukavozchyk's formula should look like this: 9,900 detainees/19 million population of Kazakhstan. And 30 thousand detainees/9.5 million population of Belarus. Belarus has at least a six-fold advantage.

The President of Kazakhstan has already announced that peaceful protesters will not be touched, which distinguishes him from Lukashenko. This means that in terms of the number of detainees, Kazakhstan will not be able to outrun Belarus.

Vadzim Shepet, the host of the talk show "Weekdays" on Alfa-radio, in a conversation with political scientist Alyaksey Dzermant, said how many people in Ukraine consider themselves Russians.

"Looked through several studies; experts wonder: who are they going to war with if in Ukraine, according to various sources, 50-60% of the people consider themselves Russians?"

According to the last Ukrainian population census (conducted in 2001), 17% of the population identified themselves as Russians. In 1989 it was 22%. The tendency is to decrease. So we can conclude that in 20 years, the number of people in Ukraine who consider themselves Russians could not double.

A poll conducted by the Gorshenin Institute in 2017 showed that only 5.5% of Ukrainians call themselves Russians.

But maybe by Russians Shepet means those who consider Russian their native language? But there is a discrepancy with that too. According to the same census, almost 30% of the population name Russian their native language.

Since then, Ukraine has lost Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk, where the majority of the population spoke Russian. But representatives of the "Russian world" claim that there are only more of them in Ukraine (at least 40%, according to their calculations).

However, the 2021 opinion polls do not confirm this. The Russian language is named as the native language by 18% of the country's population. In the southern part of Ukraine - 41%, in the east - 34%, in the centre - less than 10%, in the west of the country - less than 2% of the population.

A traditional fake from a "Sly News" regular, Belarusian philosopher and sociologist Mikalay Shchokin. In an interview with the Belarus-1 TV channel, he did it again and figured out what makes Belarus "the one and only". This time, the norms of the Constitution, invented by Alyaksandar Lukashenka, turned out to be unique.

"This is the first and only constitution in the world where, first of all, nuclear power is prescribed, where guarantees for disabled people are set out. In all countries it is only in laws. This is the first and only constitution in the world that spells out the responsibility of parents to raise their children," Shchokin said.

Firstly, guarantees for people with disabilities and the responsibility of parents for raising children are spelled out in the current constitution of Belarus. The only difference is that another paragraph will be added:

“Persons with disabilities shall be provided with equal opportunities to exercise human and civil rights and freedoms. The state implements a policy of social integration of people with disabilities, creating an accessible environment and improving the quality of their lives, supporting families with disabilities," the document says.

Secondly, it seems that before the speech, Mikalay Shchokin did not read not only the current Constitution of Belarus, but also the constitutions of other countries. You do not have to go far. For example, the Russian constitution also mentions guarantees for people with disabilities:

"Article 39. Everyone shall be guaranteed social security in old age, in case of illness, disability and loss of the bread-winner”.

And as for raising children:

"Article 38. Taking care and raising children is an equal right and obligation of parents”.

The Russian constitution also mentions nuclear power. It naturally states that the Russian Federation has, among other things, nuclear power under its jurisdiction.

The Belarus-1 TV channel has launched videos of the project "In the Truth Mode". State journalists try to convince viewers through comparison with other countries that in Belarus everything is fine.

“Today about 2.5 million people in Belarus receive various types of pensions. At the same time, 1.9 million have the status of "veteran of labour”. About $6 billion (9% of GDP) is allocated for pension costs for 2021. For comparison, in Ukraine, whose population is 4 times larger than ours, a little more than 7 billion dollars were allocated for pensions in the outgoing year. Just think about the numbers," said on the “In the Truth Mode”.

Belarus spent almost 15 billion rubles (about $6 billion) on pensions in 2021. And in Ukraine, the budget of the pension fund in 2021 is almost 517 billion hryvnias (about $19 billion). The project "In the Truth Mode" lied three times.

"Belarus is in the Top 25 on the index of coverage of medical services. And that's 76 points out of 100 possible," the program continued.

Here is the WHO data on the health care coverage index. Canada is at the top (89 points), followed by Great Britain and Australia, whereas Belarus has 74 points and is closer to the 50th place. It is definitely not in the Top 25.

"In European Estonia, the statutory pay on maternity leave is 320 euros. Maternity leave lasts a maximum of 110 days. And that's only 2-3 months against our 36 months," the state TV channel continued to mislead the Belarusians.

Article 184 of the Labour Code of the Republic of Belarus: "Women are entitled to maternity leave of 126 calendar days, and 140 in the case of complicated childbirth”.

It is a maximum of 4.5 months, not 36 months, as the story says. In Estonia, this leave is also a maximum of 140 days, not 110. Another leave lasts 36 months - the parental leave. Let's assume that the "patriots" just mixed up these leaves, but even here Belarus is not unique.

Estonia also has this kind of leave, but the parental benefit is paid until the child reaches the age of 18 months. In Belarus - up to 3 years. Longer, but in a smaller amount. If in Estonia, the parent retains the average salary, in Belarus - 35% of the average salary in the country.

Another quote from “In the Truth Mode”:

"An important fact: Belarus is among the Top 5 countries in the world on the length of parental leave. The duration of the same leave in Lithuania is 2 years, in Latvia - a year and a half, in Poland and Great Britain - only 1 year.

In Lithuania, parental leave can last up to 3 years, but the maximum allowance is only for 2 years. And there are more than 5 countries where this leave lasts for 3 years. Besides Belarus, these are Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Lithuania and Estonia.

In total, there are at least 4 fakes in one issue. It is now safe to call this project "In the UNtruth Mode".

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