Last fakes of the week
03 September 2024
Gender Reassignment Surgery for Everyone and New Forms of Human Conception in USA. ‘Something Terrible’ from Voskresensky and Elfimov Fact-checked
While the Democratic Party in the US was holding a convention to nominate a new presidential candidate to replace Joe Biden, something “terrible” was reported on at the Belarus pro-government Radio “Minsk”. Both political scientist Vadim Yelfimov and politician Yuriy Voskresenskiy claimed that mobile operating rooms roamed the streets of Chicago, offering free gender reassignment surgery to anyone who wanted it. Michelle Obama, meanwhile, confessed to using a new method of human...
misrepresentation, USA, Radio Minsk, Vadzim Yalfimau, Yuri Voskresensky, medicine, children, traditional values, politics.
02 September 2024
‘In Belarus, IT specialists didn't pay taxes.’ MP Klishevich Uncovered Unfairness, but Exaggerated Its Scope
IT specialists didn't pay taxes, even though they don't provide any more benefit to the state than a miller or a turner, as claimed Sergei Klishevich, an MP and Belarus Communist Party member. Belarus pro-government political analyst Andrey Lazutkin had previously commented on this topic as well. The Weekly Top Fake team delved into the taxation of the IT sector in Belarus.
misrepresentation, Belarus, Belarus-1, Azaryonok. Directly, Siarhei Klishevich, Andrey Lazutkin, salaries in Belarus, economy.
30 August 2024
‘Belarus Boasts Its Inflation Rate Unmatched Anywhere in Europe’ Columnist Mukovozchik’s Words Fact-checked by WTF
Since 2020, life in Belarus has gotten better, and Europe can only dream of an inflation rate like in Belarus, said Andrei Mukovozchik, a columnist for the pro-government publication SB. Belarus Segodnya. The Weekly Top Fake team fact-checked his statement — he was partially right.
misrepresentation, Belarus, European Union, Europe, CTV, Andrey Mukavozchyk, economy, achievements.
29 August 2024
‘More and More Subsidized Housing for Needy in Belarus.’ Azaryonok's Socialism VS Statistics' Reality
Belarus pro-government media personality Grigory Azarenok claimed that Belarus is building more subsidized housing for families in need because the country is restraining the development of capitalism. The Weekly Top Fake team learned about the real situation from the Belstat's statistics.
misrepresentation, Belarus, Azaryonok. Directly, Ryhor Azaronak, state support.
28 August 2024
‘I Defended Palace of Independence from Assault and Dispersed Protesters.’ Lukashenko Retells Old Story in New Way
Aleksandr Lukashenko appeared to have distorted the events of August 2020 in Minsk, claiming he flew up to the Palace of Independence when protesters were about to storm it, how he went towards them with weapons, and how people run away haedlong. The Weekly Top Fake team spotted that his story does not match with one reported by his press secretary Natalya Eismont on the very day, August 23, 2020.
misrepresentation, Belarus, Belarus-1, Russia-1, Aliaksandr Lukashenka, protests.